A (Home, Nation, family, …) divided against itself, cannot stand
Building Unity Within a Fragmented World
How to undermine Unity in any entity and how to rebuild it.
Take a family, an organization, or a nation that you worry about. What is the level at which it is functioning?
“Others” is the narrowest world view where there is “us and them”. We shun and experience fear of anyone, not us. This worldview is used when we concoct labels based on surface characteristics like skin color, gender, religion or made-up divisions. As a group they are described as dangerous or unacceptable, This is the source of exclusion, violence, and ultimately war. The fear is constructed based on artificial characteristics of the ‘other’ group. The judging group is mentally facing outward in their views and cannot see themselves and their own behavior, thinking, or effects on themselves and others.
‘In Groups’ Worldview is based on coalescing characteristics that bond a group together to overcome the exclusion and fear. They face inward and bond around what they consider common values or interest as well and for seeking power in society. The out groups often flip the story and pull together into a movement. They are fight for a shared piece of the pie. The exclusions are most often real and even intended where the other is artificial constructed or projected onto others non in the in group. The creation of In Groups use movements as a primary process and set up counter movements. Unfortunately, the movements primarily seek ameliorations and augmentations to overcome the poor outcomes of the current social designs. That is not enough, and it fosters resistance and counter forces, primarily because the amelioration is based on fragments the counter movements are seeking which may be perceived as in opposition to the own goals.
Greater Whole Worldview is a systems of approaches working to change the systems and structures in a way to evolve the whole in which they all exist, redesign the working of the whole and serving all groups better. The structures and systems of society and entities tend to be badly designed and do not serve the stakeholders affected by it. The Regenerative Structures and Systems break the boundaries of the current systems which everyone is blindly work within. The current premises and constructs are questioned and shattered. It is similar to what happened to Truman in the movie The Truman Story where he realized he did not see reality but a scripted like live based on unexamined premises of reality.
Greater Whole Benefit for All Being
There is a Regenerative Approach and design framework for breaking out of the first two worldviews and creating a social design that works better for all individuals and creates better group-building. The design of social systems, whether families, relationships, organizations, governing bodies, identity group, are built on processes that promote unity and rise above splintered grouping. Apply it to everything. It is called Community Building and is based on radical different premises. It has four core understanding that can be applied to your work, your social business goals, governing bodies election and management—and families and relationship.
Creating and revealing Value Adding Process sourced from Place
Using Centers that Magnetize Benefit for All
Nodal Product Offerings that include all
Conducting Development Rituals and Events that improve all Citizens
The Great Whole benefits are the Aims for the Effort , rather than primarily smaller subgroupings
Join us online for The Regenerative Community Summit. November 12, 2024 9-1 pm
RIP Carol. You changed my life and helped me think about things in such different and compelling ways.
This is very helpful, do you have any case studies to examine who this framework is applied?