“Hopefully, you can see from these my own evolving understanding of how long-thought thinking works over 2 decades because I work to see more of how soul development and living systems work. And I will continue to work to get smarter as long as I have a body.”

I consistently tell people this is my experience of witnessing lifelong development, what I would consider “elder“, an aspirational role that is a continual self development and cultural context learning for what is needed and wanted from the greater systems.

To gain some advantage from standing on your shoulders even if, temporarily, I am feeling blessed to have crossed this stream of life‘s influences, and grateful for you, Carol for your dedication to evolving the greater purpose you belong to.

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What is your definition of long-thought thinking and how does it differ from lifelong development?

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I dont carry a working defintion for long thought thinking, yet!, but im seeking to answer that question by asking myself what I think about your use of it. Holding a question over time, a sacred question, one that is unanswerable, in a permanent sort of way, guides the thinker's development, or perhaps engages the Will of the thinker. When I think of long thought questions for myself, there is a provocation for regenerating the answer, reconsidering new developments, new evolved thinking. Its the beauty of returning to Spring, same but different, what is unfolding into new consciousness changes the experience of Spring, the understanding of essence as well as the one observing the process, again renewed.

I suppose what's different about life long development is the premise of essence unfoldment happens over time while engaging with bringing value to nested greater systems. That's a process engaging potential, will, being and function. Long thought thinking is a kind through thread, a capital W work, unique and compelling and interdependent with that development.

Questions like: What is my role as a parent? and What is the role of humans and culture? have witnessed my thinking and source thinking evolve over a long time, since childhood. The questions get better as well, the articulation and discernment of the question.

thats my rough draft for now

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